Publications: Deep Learning

Deep Learning Assisted Memetic Algorithm for Shortest Route Problems

Finding the shortest route between a pair of origin and destination is known to be a crucial and challenging task in intelligent transportation systems. Current methods assume fixed travel time be

Approximating Optimisation Solutions for Travelling Officer Problem with Customised Deep Learning Network

Deep learning has been extended to a number of new domains with critical success, though some traditional orienteering problems such as the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) and its variants are

G-CREWE: Graph CompREssion With Embedding for Network Alignment

Network alignment is useful for multiple applications that require increasingly large graphs to be processed. Existing research approaches this as an optimization problem or computes the similarit

COLTRANE: ConvolutiOnaL TRAjectory NEtwork for Deep Map Inference

The process of automatic generation of a road map from GPS trajectories, called map inference, remains a challenging task to perform on a geospatial data from a variety of domains as the majority

grid2vec: Learning Efficient Visual Representations via Flexible Grid-Graphs

We propose flexgrid2vec, a novel approach for image representation learning. Existing visual representation methods suffer from several issues, including the need for highly intensive computation

Federated Self-Supervised Learning of Multi-Sensor Representations for Embedded Intelligence

Smartphones, wearables, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices produce a wealth of data that cannot be accumulated in a centralized repository for learning supervised models due to privacy, bandwid

© 2021 Flora Salim - CRUISE Research Group.