Publications: travel

Solving multiple travelling officers problem with population-based optimization algorithms

The travelling officer problem (TOP) is a graph-based orienteering problem for modelling the patrolling routines of a parking officer monitoring an area. Recently, a spatiotemporal probabilistic mo

Solving multiple travelling officers problem with population-basedoptimization algorithms

The Travelling Officer Problem (TOP) is a graph-based orienteering problem for modelling the patrolling routines of a parking officer monitoring an area. Recently, a spatiotemporal probabilistic m

Traveling Officer Problem: Managing Car Parking Violations Efficiently Using Sensor Data

The on-street parking system is an indispensable part of civil projects, which provides travellers and shoppers with parking spaces. With the recent in-ground sensors deployed throughout the city

Approximating Optimisation Solutions for Travelling Officer Problem with Customised Deep Learning Network

Deep learning has been extended to a number of new domains with critical success, though some traditional orienteering problems such as the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) and its variants are

© 2021 Flora Salim - CRUISE Research Group.