Publications: urban

Urban HCI: (Re)adapting the City Together

With growing urban populations, the World Health Organization has highlighted the importance of urban design for everyone. It is widely recognized that quality of life in the urban environment could

Urban computing in the wild: A survey on large scale participationand citizen engagement with ubiquitous computing, cyber physical systems,and Internet of Things

With today’s ubiquitous computing technologies, our daily activities are continuously traced by smartphones in our pockets and more of our everyday things are now connected to the Internet. This

Visualization Oriented Spatiotemporal Urban Data Management and Retrieval

Urban planners and policy makers often rely on data visualization and spatial data mapping tools to perceive the overall urban trends. The accumulation of historical and real-time urban data from

Automated density-based clustering of spatial urban data for interactive data exploration

This paper presents a method to automatically estimate parameters for density-based clustering based on data distribution. It also includes several techniques for visualizing the clusters over a

© 2021 Flora Salim - CRUISE Research Group.