Time-series change point detection with self-supervision
Show MoreInvestigate crowd monitoring and situation recognition techniques, efficiently leveraging UAV videos and complementary urban sensors. Scenarios: FIFA World Cup 2022
Show MoreIn response to the urgent need for more site specific and vertical environmental information to inform the design of sustainable urban design, this project investigates the use of Micro Air Vehicles (drones) equipped with diverse lightweight sensing equipment to gather site specific environmental sensor data.
Show MoreToday, we are faced with the increasing growth of ubiquitous sensors in various fields, generating an enormous amount of time-series. This growing number of sensor-based time-series applications require new approaches in data mining, knowledge discovery, and ubiquitous computing.
Show MoreThis project will deploy machine learning to human behaviour and building operational data obtained through Activity Based Working (ABW), aimed at providing insights towards optimising and personalising ABW. The outcome is a cloud-based integrated platform, with tailored ABW apps, for capturing and analysing occupancy behaviour and building performance data.
Show MoreMeasure multiple dimensions of high school student’s emotional, behavioural and cognitive learning engagement with sensing data in the wild Derive activity, physiological, and environmental factors contributing to various dimensions of student learning engagement
Show MoreTraffic Flow, People Movement Flow, Check-ins
Show MoreReview Commissioned by the International Energy Agency (IEA) Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme (EBC) Annex 79
Show MoreA project done in collaboration with Arup Melbourne
Show MoreThe Mornington Peninsula Shire (MPS) will develop a Smart Technology project to address growing demand on parking and amenity facilities in towns particularly with high tourist attraction. There is an increasing pressure to understand the volume of pedestrians, public transport users, and road users (in particular, private vehicle drivers) throughout the major townships in MPS and meet the increasing demand.
Show More© 2021 Flora Salim - CRUISE Research Group.