This project that is funded by Northrop Grumman Corporation investigates the patterns of ground vehicles and aircraft trajectories, combining the analysis of their spatial movement behaviours and contextual information. We utilise state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and big data analytics techniques to clean, preprocess, and analyse sizeable on-ground aircraft GPS data. We also establish a context-aware system to predict the delay time of each aircraft by developing a novel Airport Traffic Complexity (ATC) model.
Show MoreThe modeling of social and mobility networks continues to gain importance in a variety of fields ranging from epidemiology social group and community detection, to user movement and behavior understanding.
Show MoreCortana Intelligence Institute is a co-funded initiative between Microsoft Research, Cortana Research and RMIT University, which will drive the next-generation of capabilities for Microsoft’s digital assistant, Cortana.
Show MoreNan Gao, Wei Shao, Flora Salim, ‘Predicting Personality Traits from Physical Activity Intensity’, IEEE Computer, July 2019
Show MoreProject in collaboration with Siemens
Show MoreUnderstanding the Predictability of User Demographics from Cyber-Physical-Social Behaviours in Indoor Retail Spaces
Show MoreAn ARC Linkage Project with Scentre group (Westfield)
Show More© 2021 Flora Salim - CRUISE Research Group.